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One of the key elements of undergraduate research is that students learn scientific concepts through hands-on experience which facilitates a deeper understanding of science.

Exposure to undergraduate research provides students with many opportunities to discover a passion for a scientific area, decide on a career path, improve scientific skills and obtain preparation for professional careers. Undergraduate research is considered “a high-impact educational practice for achieving excellence in liberal education” (). In the chemistry department we strongly believe that students should get involved in undergraduate research activities early in their careers.

First-year students are encouraged to become involved in a project that may expand on what they are doing in class. Since chemistry is a discipline where you "learn by doing", early involvement in research helps clarify concepts introduced in class as well as introducing students to the most interesting areas of contemporary research.

Students can be involved in research during the academic year, and obtain course credit or get a stipend through faculty grants. In the summer, undergraduates can obtain financial support to conduct research with a faculty advisor. We encourage you to explore the research opportunities in the chemistry department.

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