
Physics & Astronomy

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The Department of Physics and Astronomy provides B.S. degree programs in Physics, Astronomy, as well as a B.A. degree in Physics, a and a with Washington University. Faculty members of the department are actively involved in research in these areas. The department is also responsible for providing education programs at the ÁùºÏ±¦¿â Municipal Observatory.

ÁùºÏ±¦¿â Physics Prize

First prize in the test is a full, four-year tuition scholarship to the ÁùºÏ±¦¿â Physics and Astronomy department. A second four-year partial-tuition scholarship is offered to a runner-up (top 50 seniors) based on the academic record of the student, high school teacher and counselor recommendations, and the results of interviews held in April. High-school students and teachers seeking more information should contact the Physics Department at physics@drake.edu.


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