
The Slay Fund for Social Justice

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The Slay Fund for Social Justice at ÁùºÏ±¦¿â is an endowed fund that provides large and small grants to ÁùºÏ±¦¿â students, staff, and faculty engaged in the work of social justice.  The Fund exists because of the generosity of alumni Brent and Diane Slay, and provides assistance to a wide range of projects that are having a significant impact on the university, the Des Moines community, the nation, and the world.

Slay Fund grants have paid for student research on topics as diverse as the BP Oil Spill, and Latina meat processing workers in Iowa; they have paid for student travel to conferences like NCORE, and the Food Recovery Summit; and for faculty and students to bring speakers to campus -- including Allison Bechdel, Jimmy Carter, Michele Norris and Imani Henry. The Slay Fund has supported the Summer of Social Justice Internship program, as well as the Social Justice Living and Learning Community.

The Fund is administered by the Slay Fund Director, Dr. Jill Allen.

Please see our annual report for examples of projects that have been funded and to find information about how to apply for a Slay Fund for Social Justice grant.


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