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Define the Line, Respect the Line

ÁùºÏ±¦¿â recognizes the problem of sexual and interpersonal misconduct in our society and continues to take steps to listen to concerns, educate the campus community, and treat reports of sexual and interpersonal misconduct seriously and equitably. ÁùºÏ±¦¿â’s campaign to Define the Line. Respect the Line. emphasizes that while everybody has the right to determine their own line when it comes to sexual behavior, there is one clear line at ÁùºÏ±¦¿â: sexual or interpersonal misconduct is not tolerated, accepted, or ignored. Think, talk, learn, listen, and act in a way that respects this line—we are all part of ÁùºÏ±¦¿â.

There are four principles behind Define the Line. Respect the Line. and the culture we strive to create at ÁùºÏ±¦¿â:

Prevention: Education and discussion are crucial to establishing and enforcing our social norms and what we as a community expect at ÁùºÏ±¦¿â. We must continue to talk about respect and consent.

Communication: More communication is better, both between sexual partners and also in our community, so that people feel comfortable discussing sexuality or sexual violence without fear or judgment.

Intervention: We have people of outstanding character at ÁùºÏ±¦¿â. When something does not look right, we should be empowered to trust that intuition and intervene to ensure everyone is comfortable and safe with the situation.

Support: If you or someone you know experiences sexual or interpersonal misconduct, ÁùºÏ±¦¿â has staff, resources, and procedures in place that can provide support.

Define the Line, Respect the Line. Check with Title IX Office before modifying image.

*Employee reporters submitting reports through this form should follow up with the Title IX Coordinator at (515) 271-4956.

Quick contacts to reach confidential support

  • VIP student support or advocacy
    515-512-2972 (call or text)
  • Polk County Crisis and Advocacy
  • Professional advocate at the Counseling Center 
        - Thursdays 3:00-4:30 during fall & spring term